Thursday, May 26, 2016

How Your Local Business Can Be Found On Google

Every day 50% of people searching for local businesses on Google go and visit the local business they searched for that day. They are searching for local businesses exactly like yours – but is your business being found?

There’s a reason the phrase “Google it” has become so popular- Google is the first place consumers go to find something, whether directions to a store or a local mechanic. To make sure your business gets discovered, you’ll want to do everything you can to make sure your local business is both found in Google search results and is highly ranked.

We’ve got the steps to get your website discovered on Google.

Use SEO Services

The easiest way to get your local business discovered on Google is to put it into the hands of experts. At LocalVox, we not only help in getting your business listings created or updated but continue to create content for your local business so your rankings can only increase.

By using SEO services you don’t have to become an expert in SEO to get more traffic to your business, you can simply leave it to the people who already are experts.

Submit Your Site to Google

Search engines crawl the web collecting information for millions of websites and pages. While your site will be discovered by Google one day, guarantee it starts indexing your site for rankings faster by submitting your website to Google.

Submitting your site to Google consists of sharing your sitemap so they know what should be indexed.

Make the Most of Keywords

Instead of trying to drive people to find just your website, drive people to specific content on your website.

People are much more likely to be searching for helpful content rather than a specific website. When looking for information on a specific topic think about how you search, by typing in the first words that come to mind about your problem. These first words are keywords that your local business content can focus on.

Get found on google by using content and keywords.

You want to identify keywords that people are likely to use to find your business and the content your business shares. You may have keywords like “dayton plumber” but also “how to fix a sink stopper.” “Dayton plumber” helps consumers find your business, but “how to fix a sink stopper” provides helpful content to consumers who may reach out to you after they have read the article.

Take a few minutes to list out what your top website keywords are and then what your audience would be interested in learning from you. After you have identified these keywords start integrating them into your website copy and new content.

For your website and blog articles incorporate keywords into headlines, section titles, URLs, metadata (page titles and page descriptions) and image alt-text.

Link Your Website to Your Social Profiles

Like all roads used to lead to Rome, all your online marketing efforts need to lead to your online website presence. You want your social media accounts to be a two-way street to and from your website.

Link to your social media accounts on your website and link to your website on your social media accounts. Extend your reach by regularly sharing content from your website on your social profiles, increasing the chances that search engines with discover your website links.


Add Your Site to Business Directories

Quickly get your website to rank by being listed in business directories across the web. Not only do you increase the chance your local business will be found outside of search engines, but Google (and other search engines) will give more credibility to your business’s website because of the consistent information across the internet.

The best place to start is on Google My Business so your local business can be found in the Local Listing Knowledge Pack, once listed there consider these top 20 online business directories.


Have Quality Content

The trick to being found on Google isn’t just about having the best website or the most business listings (though, those certainly help), it’s sharing quality content that your audience needs and will search for.

Not only does this set-up your business to be found by the keywords you include, but as search engine algorithms develop, the validity and helpfulness of your content will help your rankings improve over time.

With these strategies your local business can be found on Google, but remember, it takes time for your rankings to develop. If you want to give your rankings a boost right from the start, consider having a one-two punch approach to search marketing and include search advertising in your strategy.

What helped your local business be found on Google? Let us know in the comments below!

The post How Your Local Business Can Be Found On Google appeared first on LocalVox.

from Local Marketing Blog – LocalVox

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